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One church, many locations

Here at Freedom Church Worcester, we aim to connect anyone, anywhere to a life-changing relationship with Jesus.

Starting down the road in Hereford over 30 years ago, we are now a church in over 30 countries around the world! Freedom Worcester was started in 2014 as part of our 10/4 vision, to plant 10 churches in 4 years!


We are a passionate, heart and soul, growing church in the centre of Worcester. We are a non-denominational church that teaches the truth of the Bible, worships with passion and prays with audacious faith. Find out more about our beliefs here.


We have mid-week groups every other Wednesday, a lady’s group called SHE once a month and a men’s group called Barbarians once a month also. Find out what's on in our calendar here.

Freedom Church Worcester Sunday service. People standing facing the stage where two people perform. Church near me church in Worcester.
Freedom Church Worcester pastors. Two people standing together smiling with a row of bushes behind. Church near me church in Worcester.

Our pastors


Jord and Saff Ahmed are the leaders at Freedom Church Worcester. Having first come into Freedom via the Worcester church when it launched 7 years ago, they then went on to plant Freedom churches in Kenya and Glasgow before being called back to lead Freedom Church Worcester in 2021.

​Saff is an extrovert full of ideas that bring people together, she loves to teach on the Academy+ leadership course and play silly games with her sons. She will admit cheese is a way to her heart and loves finding hidden gems in charity shops. Jord is a passionate, musical, life-of-the-party Pastor. He is always up for food, football and fire (pits but also fighting them for his job).


​They are a wildfire couple, who give their first and best and always punch above their weight to see the kingdom come in Worcester. They have a heart for community, having fun and inspiring greater faith in whoever they get the chance to speak to.



The Freedom Church DNA are the core values of our community. Like a compass, they point us towards our identity. We are committed to wholeheartedly practising and developing these principles in our own lives and as a church, as they inspire, challenge and direct us. Our DNA expresses the personality of Freedom Church Worcester: who we are, how we are called to build church and what makes us unique.

black and white image of a wall clock

Relevant to our time

We will share an ageless message that engages the next generation and is easily understood by unchurched people. We will adapt our methods and lay down our preferences for the times and cultures we are called to reach.

black and white image of two hands with 1 passing the baton to another.

Raise the next

We lovingly disciple, we release leadership, we inspire kingdom influencers and plant new churches. We share the truths and opportunities given to us, changing the world through a legacy of multiplication.

black and white image of a pair of boxing gloves.

Punching above our weight

With audacious faith, we set impossible goals, take bold, confident steps and watch our God move. We are giant-killers who refuse to limit the Holy Spirit.

Black and white image of a trophy

First and best

We will serve God and our church with all that we have, giving sacrificially to the one who gave us everything. We won’t just go through the motions or do the minimum. The best of our talents, time and resources will be used for the kingdom.

black and white image of a large fire with several people standing around it.


Expressing outwardly the work that God has done inwardly, our faith and love will not be contained. We have a contagious passion for Jesus that is raw, real, and unapologetic.


black and white image of waves rolling.

Relentless reaching

We persistently share the hope and salvation of Jesus with our family, friends and communities. We won’t stand by and be silent about the truth and love God has for this world.

black and white image of a man riding a bull.

Live full die empty

We are adventurers who take risks and grab life by the horns. Our joy stands in opposition to lifeless religion. Dancing and laughter mark our lives, and we are determined to release all our potential before we die.

Black and white image of a feather.

Warrior poets

We reflect the creator by embracing and expressing creativity. The colour of our lives becoming a revolt against the mundane and ordinary. We communicate the Gospel with the life and vibrancy in which it was intended.

black and white image of a kings crown.

We will elevate

We freely give honour to everyone: women, men, all ages and all races. We reveal God’s value for each person by opening our homes and our lives. We honour leaders who serve us. We honour God when we build a culture that honours people.

black and white image of a shield with a lion in the centre wearing a crown.

Heart and soul

We take personal responsibility for the vision and unity of our church. We are committed to making God’s kingdom the central cause of our lives, no matter the cost.

Black and white image of a butterfly.


We are on a constant journey of transformation and personal freedom to become more like Jesus. We refuse to get stuck in our ways, taking individual responsibility for our learning and growth.

Black and white image of a present.

Everything's a gift

We intentionally celebrate and give thanks. We shake off complacency and entitlement to overflow with gratitude for God, our lives and one another. Practicing thankfulness gives us a joy that will sustain us.

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